Information for Business from Lenovo
Contributor: ThinkFWD
5 reasons to download the new Windows 10 update

The first update to the stunning new Windows 10 operating system has finally arrived.

According to a recent Forrester survey, a staggering 49% of enterprises are planning to take Windows 10 by the horns in 2016. That’s pretty compelling, given that only 22% of enterprises were ready to upgrade to Windows 8 back in 2012.

Whether you use your PC for business or leisure (or both), the newest capabilities of Windows 10 will definitely keep you running at full steam. Here are 5 key capes to look forward to:

30x faster

First and foremost, the new Windows 10 is all about improved efficiency and fierce speed. The new update offers a 30% boost across the OS. That means that a Windows 10 Lenovo device can boot up 30 times faster than before, which means less downtime when you hit your office desk in the morning (and faster shut-down times when Friday afternoon rolls around)! The need for speed doesn’t end there. The increased performance impacts everyday tasks like opening and closing programs and processing background software.

Find my device

For most of us, losing our laptops would be terrible, but since many people are constantly on the go, misplacing your tech can be commonplace. Luckily, the new Windows 10 update features Find My Device. It’s a terrific feature that had only previously been available for the tracking of misplaced phones through third-party apps. Now, this convenience can safeguard your laptop, since it’s built in to the new OS. The function is linked to your Microsoft Account, so you can log in from any device and track the whereabouts of your computer.

Narrate to Cortana

Another great example of how Microsoft is beefing up their newest OS can be experienced when using Cortana. The system’s automated personal assistant goes from handy to fantastic with the new update. Users can now narrate action requests audibly, set automatic reply notifications in response to missed calls, scribble stylus notes for organized safekeeping, and even link to existing Uber accounts for unheard-of ease in catching a ride on a business trip. Yet another added bonus of this upgrade is the ability of users to narrateREACHit commands through Cortana to locate files, recall dates, and basically find out anything that one might need to know.

Cast media to devices

The need for quick and seamless casting of media across devices is something that might benefit both individual users as well as larger organizations, and that’s exactly why Microsoft 10’s update ups the ante in this arena. For any reason, from a big client presentation to a little downtime in the office, the new media casting capability allows Microsoft 10 users to exchange images, video and audio with compatible devices without any prior setup.

Windows Store for Business

Last, but certainly not least, the Windows Store for Business is obviously more directed toward the enterprise field, but offers enormous possibilities to other sectors of the market. Essentially, the business-specific app store allows organizations to create and distribute in-house applications to employees without jumping through the IT hoops required by less attuned systems. This functionality will definitely help keep businesses on the same page.

With features ranging from clever and fun to absolutely essential, there’s just no good reason not to go download the update immediately.

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