Case Study | Mobility

Harmony in the Hive
Monitoring beehives to redefine agriculture.
Genius can strike at any time, but it seems especially appropriate that the idea for Bryan Hoyt’s company came to them mid-flight. Making idle chit-chat on a plane back to his hometown in Christchurch, New Zealand, a friend of his happened to be seated next to a seasoned beekeeper.
What started as friendly small talk quickly turned into a big idea, with even bigger implications for the global agricultural industry.
Ben and Berwyn, the Hoyt team founded Hivemind, a satellite-connected beehive monitoring system.
"There have been multiple times I’ve been sitting in the rain with my ThinkPad, gathering data in a field while connected via satellite to a series of beehives—which admittedly, is a funny looking scenario"
- Bryan Hoyt, Founder of Hivemind